November 29, 2021
There is something about being seen that is important to the development of the soul. I know from reading child psychology textbooks as part of my training in the Diamond Approach that what parents and others see in a child is what develops. For some reason, I hadn’t thought of this in terms of the human soul but it’s the same thing: That which is seen--either by us or by others--is what develops. From the perspective of non-duality, the maxim still holds, although, of course, there is only one ‘seer’ in the nondual realm. The act of seeing causes development, evolution. And it doesn’t even necessarily need to be visual seeing - it’s the act of perceiving, whether visual or otherwise, that causes things to happen. Maybe I could further reduce it down to witnessing. There is something alchemical in the act of witnessing. I write this because I’ve realized that much of my experience in the Imaginal Realm has to do with witnessing. My witnessing of other souls who are stuck helps them t