February 16, 2023
I’m not sure what to make of this morning’s experience. It seems to fall into the “new” experiences; that is, rather than encountering the soul of a dead person, I am basically out of the equation and serve as a catalyst, helping heal a split affecting a (probably) living person. There is no journeying through the Black to retrieve a soul. It’s more like I become the transition between the two ‘halves’ of the person, essentially serving as a doorway through which they pass. As you can see, it’s somewhat similar to the old experiences but also different. These experiences are highly symbolic such that I can’t really tell who I’m interacting with. At first, I was aware of roiling clouds, touched with fiery orange. I couldn’t tell if it was a sunset or these were clouds billowing out of a volcano. I gradually decided it was a volcano. After a while, I became aware of an entity. It did not appear to be human but, in the Symbolic Realm, it’s hard to tell exactly what things are. This ...